Just got back from the cardiologists office and I am getting off some more meds. Hooray. He was very happy with my EKG and how my heart sounds. He told me I could start walking outside for 20-30 minutes. I didn’t think that would happen for another 3 weeks. I felt better just hearing all that. Tomorrow morning I am going to walk around the neighborhood. I did a lot of walking with Kathy today from the doctors office and then the grocery store. Pain is the same as is the tightness in most muscles, but I am encouraged to do some real walking tomorrow.
Category Archives: Recovery
One Day at a Time
Late posting today. It is amazing how yesterday’s energy was non-existent today. Pain was about the same and tolerable. My chest incision is getting very tight feeling. I just had a lot less energy today. I did so much yesterday and was excited to do it again, but the giddy-up just wasn’t there. I still accomplished a lot of stretching and walking. I had a nice day with Kathy. I did need a short nap.
I went next door to my neighbors to pick our Cavs games for the season. We split some tickets for the season with five guys. Looking forward to going down to the Q.
My low grade headache still persists and that makes me a little grumpy. Played a little scrabble with my parents today. Dad won with “zany” on triple word score, 57 points.
Continued thanks to all the wonderful food and treats that keep arriving. I know it makes it a lot easier on Kathy. Love you all.
Energized morning
I had a busy day yesterday and thought I would get a good night’s sleep. However, I woke at 440am and couldn’t go back to sleep. I did some Internet shopping and paid the house bills all by 7 am. I was up for Lily and Hugh to see them off to school. I worked in my office this morning and went through some heavy piles of mail. I was told I could only lift 5-10 pounds, so I did a couple hundred curls with five pound weights. I did my most significant stretching for about half an hour. Doesn’t seem like much, but it felt good. I haven’t taken any Tylenol since dinner on Monday and my pain level remains low.
This has probably been my best day to date, despite the nagging muscle aches. Despite the lack of sleep, I feel very energized today. I will be excited for the kids to come home today. I am usually napping when they get home, don’t think that wil happen today. Ella is home with a scratchy throat and we have quarantined ourselves from each other. Going to keep moving today; hope it lasts.
Two weeks ago I rolled out of the OR (seems like a lifetime ago). I had a pretty good night, except for the nagging ache of my back. We never considered it until today, but my new Lipitor may be a part of the problem. Many of the side effects of the statins are exactly what I have been experiencing. The waters are muddy however because of the little surgery I am still recovering from. I still remain positive in my recovery. A cholesterol med is a necessity with my new valve, regardless of my preop levels, which were not that bad. I am moving more, sleeping better, and taking less pain meds (just regular strength Tylenol a couple of times a day).
We went for a short drive to the pet store today. Lily “luckily” won an anole (lizard) at her school. I had cleaned the fish tank of nine years and it was ready for storage. Welcome to the Shaughnessy Zoo.
Really? Two weeks already.
Well, I didn’t go for a run today, hahaha. Was able to do some good cardiac training watching the Browns lose again! Back pain is a little better today. Thanks to Ann for the fantastic chicken dinner tonight. My weight has stabilized last three days, no more loss. My appetite is below average, but Kathy doesn’t give me a break and keeps the gravy train rollin’. Two weeks in the books. Although I am getting a little stir crazy, it does seem to have gone quicker than I thought it would. Off to sleep soon.
What a day for a run
There’s four inches of snow outside and it’s 31 degrees. Not the best day for a run. Presurgery I would have stayed indoors and skipped a run or workout, but now I would just love to do it, but cannot. I would give almost anything to go running across the frozen sidewalk right now. Our challenges in life will put these staples at risk. Whether your own health or a family member or job or other stressor, I certainly took for granted the ease at which things could be accomplished. As my recovery moves forward and I eventually heal, I will challenge myself more than before to appreciate those things that were permanently or temporarily taken from me. I can see the gifts within my current challenge.
My last two days of back pain made me more conscious of what I know millions of people suffer. Today it is a slight annoyance, but I can tolerate it. Otherwise I am doing pretty good. My incision is healing nicely, skin is very tight across my chest . My range of motion slowly improves each day. I am going to keep at my stack of books to read and this week I think I will get out my art art supplies and start drawing again; its been too long. My body has to heal and I cannot speed that process up, only slow it down, so I will try and enjoy the time to do different activities.
A very special thanks to Kathy’s college crew of Cory, Jackie, Holly, Julie, and Tracy for the wonderful dinners brought yesterday. Thanks too to Mel and John for last nights enchiladas. I feel like George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life”. As Clarence says, “a man’s life touches so many others, and when he’s not there, it leaves an awfully big hole”. I truly am thankful to my friends and family two weeks into my recovery for helping me to cope with the highs and lows. Have a good Sunday. Peace.
A Better Night
After a long day of my back aching, I was able to quiet it down enough to sleep. I did some light stretching and walking and that with some hot packs seemed to do the trick. I stayed up a little later so I would be exhausted enough to sleep through any breakthrough pain. Feeling much better today. Ill keep my activity level moderate so I don’t backtrack, but I want to keep the train rolling along.
We woke to a light snowfall and the yard looks beautiful. The kids are getting ready for their overnight and are very excited.
More later.
Had a Bad Day
There’s a Daniel Powter song most of you have heard called “Bad Day”. One of the lyrics is “you need a blue sky holiday” I do. Sometimes in this recovery, I was told, you are going to have some tough days. Logically, i know they are coming, but it doesnt make them any easier. I had a bad night with a stabbing low back pain (never had any real back pain before) and I thought something bad was happening. Well, a couple of doctor calls and a chest X-ray later, I am fine. My xray supposedly couldnt look any better all good news. My back still really hurts when I deep breathe but it’s being attributed to muscular. Haven’t slept much in last 18 hours and that will catch up with me. I am going to try and move around more this afternoon.
The kids are heading to some friends early tomorrow for a weekend of fun activities. Our friends have filled their schedule with movies, Progressive Field, and lots of other activities. They will have a great time.
Hopefully I can fight through this latest hurdle quickly. All in all I remain positive about the success I have had in my first week home. I am also still ever so grateful that this was caught in time. I have heard too many stories lately of young people like me that did not get the opportunity of foresight and have had disastrous and deadly results. I’ll say my prayers and try for a good nights sleep. Thanks again to all for prayers, cards, food, and all the other “extras” helping Kathy and I with the recovery.
Day 11
Today’s energy level was a little diminished from yesterday. I am amazed how easily I can get tired. My pain is still manageable, although my scar is a little more sensitive as it heals. I slept in my bed for the first time last night. I’ve been in an electric chair since surgery. I was able to sleep almost the whole night with just one little break about 4 am. That is an improvement. My appetite continues to struggle from pre surgery levels but I think I am doing pretty good. I eat most everything Kathy brings me. I did some light stretching today and can definitely see animprovement in my range of motion. No swinging golf clubs for a while, though. I enjoy hanging out with Kathy during the day. Her parents left this morning so I think she is hoping for a few meals from friends for the next week or so. The kids have been very cooperative and helpful taking care of me. Hugh and I played backgammon today. He’s pretty good. He’s gearing up for some monopoly tonight.
Busy Day?
For a guy used to being at the gym by 5am, clinic or OR by 7am, home by 6pm and still loads of energy for the kids, it was tough today to be tired going to a Coumadin clinic in Twinsburg. It was my first day out of the house and I had a 10am appointment. It was nice to get out but car ride is a little unsettling. One little fender bender and big trouble. Anyway, everything went fine and I have been having a good day. Big lunch. Pain manageable. I feel like I am taking in a sufficient amount of calories, but when your body is repairing from so much injury it chews up a lot. Still, I’ve lost 4 pounds since Saturday. I’ll get it back. A few visitors today, that helps my spirits and pass the day.