Winks and Waffles

Had best night’s sleep in a week. Woke up to fresh waffles, oatmeal, and a happy family. Amazing what a better night’s rest can do. Still feel a lot like I didn’t see that truck coming, but it’s a sunny day and I am determined to have a better day. Hate the pills still. Lily has been a very good helper. All the kids have been great. My in-laws are in town from the south and making life easier for all of us, although my father-in-law doesn’t like our cold weather (Florida transplant). More later.

Saturday evening

Ive been home a few hours now. It’s been a pretty rough day but great to be back with familiar surroundings and family. They kids are excited but having trouble seeing me so weak. Had a real dinner tonight. Tasted soooo good. I feel like a bad flu and no relief coming in 24-48 hours like a typical illness. Hard to focus on the end. As Dr. Markowitz told me yesterday this is not an illness, but a temporary disability. I will get better. I am about to take my first shower in 6 days, finally.

Day 6 Slow but going home

Like most of my days, the morning was ok at 4-6am. Then my waves of nausea and lightheadness started again. I stopped all my pain meds except regular Tylenol last night because I think the drugs are a big problem. Ill take the pain over the nausea any day. It’s noon now and I will be leaving in the next few hours. I am ready. Many of my pills will stop when I leave so I hope that helps. I feel like I have the worst flu but no fever or vomiting, just feel blah. No appetite but I keep forcing food down; I know I need it. Mind versus body in epic battle. Tryin to stay strong and post again from Solon. Love you all.

Final Night

Getting ready for another restful (ha ha) night in the hospital. If all goes well tonight and with a few morning tests and paperwork, I should be outta here by mid afternoon. Thanks to everyone for getting me through week one, but the blogs will continue. There is certainly a lot more work to do. The kids are very excited to see me, as am I. Goodnight and love to you all.

Friday afternoon

Still on launching pad for tomorrow afternoon. Having a pretty good day. No nausea or lightheadness today. Pain is becoming tolerable. Contemplating which mediocre dinner I will order. Had quite a few friends visit today, really helped keep me going. Continuing to thank God for aligning all this to happen. My life would never and will never be the same. I get a second chance! I initially did not see this opportunity. Life challenges us to recognize our opportunities, which are not always evident. Keep your eyes open. I have another 7 weeks at home for reflection, I hope I make the best of it. Peace.

Friday morning Day 5

Started the day early again, but feeling pretty good. Kathy and I took laps and did crosswords at 6 am today. Had a good breakfast and met with Dr. Markowitz. He ordered my pacing wires out and going home tomorrow (as long as no problems) A little scary but if they think I’m ready I have to listen to my doctors. I will continue walking today to build my strength. Pulling my wires was not pleasant. The pacing wires are coiled wires resting against the heart wall (one atrial and one ventricular) and then are sutured to my skin on my chest. Without being too graphic, pulling a wire off your heart and out through your chest wall is a little freaky. It’s done now and I have to be closely monitored all day. Pain is better and fatigue is high but I am really set up at home for support. Just cannot believe after all I had done this week I can go home. Even as a doctor that performs high tech eye surgery, the human body never ceases to amaze me. Until later.

Funny side note

I got an email today that the new Titleist golf clubs I had ordered custom-fit for my birthday in late October have arrived. Did not know about my current problem when I ordered them but I feel pretty excited about getting a second chance at golf this spring/summer. Do I get a revised USGA handicap next season?
P.S. it’s 1 am and I am wide awake.

Facing the future

Official membership for zipper club, "ouch"
Evening has been much better. Just finished a few laps and had a good dinner. Waiting for the Browns to beat the Steelers tonight. This is what they call the ups and downs. Check out my cool scar for the beach. This is the official membership card to the “zipper club”, also called a medial sternotomy incision. Membership has its privileges!

Day 4 a little bumpy

Started this morning so positive, but all the new meds and poor appetite led to a miserable morning. Nausea and lightheadedness were worse than the pain. They tell me that’s just how it goes early on. Not everyday will be a positive step, but eventually I’ll get there. Going to try and motivate myself in a little while. Haven’t been able to do any laps yet today. Thanks for all the comments; they’re helping tremendously. More later. Enjoy your moments.

Day 4 , 6am

It was my best night yet. Some rough spots, but did get a few hours of deep sleep. Even had a good dream playin with the kids on a beach somewhere. My spirits are good this morning. Kathy still here, sleeping. Facetimed with the kids last night, that was great. My iPod is really helping. Listening to music at 3am when you can’t sleeps very soothing. Plan on working harder today to get more laps in. First sponge bath today, I think I am getting ripe. Swallowing still uncomfortable but everyday is better. Again, the thoughts and prayers and comments are really motivating. Even if it seems simple, it truly helps; keep them coming. More later.