Post Op Day Nine

Ella’s birthday party was a Disney/Barbie success!  She had a hard time going to bed because she said “that means my birthday is over”.   I had a decent breakfast and look forward to a turkey sandwich for lunch.  Kathy and the grandmas made a fantastic  turkey with all the trimmings dinner last night.  A second thanksgiving!

Today is again a better day.   I did some laps and stairs and surprised Kathy  with cleaning the basement.  I woke with a little more pain this morning, but I did more yesterday and I had such a good sleep that I missed my tylenol in early am.  I have cut back to just regular strength Tylenol.  I figure if I can feel a little pain, I know both my limits and my strengths.  My body is talking to me more than ever before.  Sometimes it’s hard to interpret what I am feeling.  Obviously, I don’t want to hurt myself or cause any problems.  Kathy is keeping a close eye.



4 thoughts on “Post Op Day Nine

  1. Cleaned the basement? Sounds like the old Mike to me! Don’t overdo it!
    I am glad the birthday was a success. Hard to believe that she is 5.
    Reading your notes really make me realize that you are improving daily; there is even more strength in your words.
    Alan’s butterfly comment is priceless; typical cardiac surgeon wit.
    Have a great day. Hello to all
    Bill A

  2. Uncle Mike,
    We’re all glad that the surgery went well, and that you are recovering quickly! We’re thinking of you everyday. We love you, and hope to see you soon!
    Meaghan, Danny, Molly, Charlie, and Reese
    P.S- Reese sits on the little chair you made her everyday. She loves it! 🙂

  3. Mike, I talked to Bill B today for an update on your condition and he told me about the website. Really nice. Have been saying a rosary daily for you and your family. Glad that you are doing well and look forward to seeing you sometime soon! By the way, my basement needs cleaning. Do you think you could come over and straighten things up before you start back to the work?

  4. Mike,
    It has been a long time since UTSW. Erik notified me of your circumstances and I wanted to wish you all the best. My families thoughts and prayers are with you. I am sure that you are well on your way to a full recovery and will look back at this one day far, far in the future as a bump in the road of life. Mike, take care of yourself and your wonderful family.
    All the best,

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