Scrabble anyone?

Today was really a pretty good day.  When I don’t dwell on the 10 inch scar down my chest I move on to help myself get better.  Did a lot of walking, napping, eating, and scrabbling today.  My father-in-law never played. Huh?  Anyway, we had a nice two hour game of scrabble.  Also started Tim Tebow’s “Through My Eyes” today, very interesting and motivated guy. Especially now that he his turning the NFL upside down.  I am most amazed that I don’t feel like my brain has lost a step at all.  This will be a source of trouble as my body takes its good old time catching up.  The kids decorated the Christmas tree today; beautiful!  Almost seems normal around here.

I continue to cherish the circumstances that brought this to fruition.  I just heard from a friend  of a young man on the west side who had my same condition, undiagnosed previously, who suffered an aortic dissection on Saturday, collapsing after baseball practice, and had emergency repair at CCF and is going to have a much tougher road ahead of him.  He is the father of three and I wish him my prayers.

My faith, family, and friends continue to be my true source of inspiration.  I know it will be a long journey, but I feel very motivated today and will press forward tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Scrabble anyone?

  1. So should we ask who won the game of scrabble? haha! I like the new picture you put up for this site. Just one question, where is your cape? 🙂 You sound like you are doing great! I really don’t think you should be cleaning the basement, but I wouldn’t expect much less. Take your time and don’t try to heal faster than you should! Relax. Hope you have a good night!

  2. Mike, you sound good. Thanks again for all the updates. Hey, I’d LOVE to play scrabble with you! Glad that was a game we grew up with. Wish my wordsmith husband liked it as much. Next time I’m in town, we’re on. Although I’m sure there’s an Internet version we could do from afar.
    Hard to believe Ella’s 5. Fiona’s 6th was today and it was her “best birthday ever.” We had a little party after school with crafts, pin the tail on the donkey and cake-n-icecream. Classic. We gave her a ukulele. Lessons start tomorrow. And we retold the story of her birthday– that beautiful snowy day in Cleveland 6 years ago. She still has the soft pink elephant, her first gift, that YOU gave her. After mom and dad, you were the first to come see us. Meant a lot to me that day. Thank you.
    And, yes, that new picture’s great. I’ll photoshop in a red cape and send you a copy.
    You’ll be flying again next summer, cape or no cape.

  3. So glad to hear each day is getting better for you. Keep the faith! Healing comes with time so please remember to do it slowly. Enjoy your day & looking forward to hearing about your daily progress!! Joy

  4. Mike, Colleen Ellis here (Kathy’s high school friend). I just got caught up on everything that’s been going on with you. What an unbelievable turn of events. I am so glad you are doing okay and wish you well as you continue to recover and get better. Can’t wait to hear that you are back to running and golfing. At a time like this I’m sure you are thanking your lucky stars for such a fantastic family to care for you and support you.

    Also, someone posted that there might be an online scrabble version. There is! It’s called Words With Friends. I play it on my iPhone and am somewhat addicted to it. Okay, fully addicted! It’s not the same enjoyment as playing face to face, but you can have multiple games going at once. So if you’re bored, check it out. I’m sure you’d kick my butt, but my username is ColleenE0320 in case you decide to go to the dark side. Hee hee hee

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