For a guy used to being at the gym by 5am, clinic or OR by 7am, home by 6pm and still loads of energy for the kids, it was tough today to be tired going to a Coumadin clinic in Twinsburg. It was my first day out of the house and I had a 10am appointment. It was nice to get out but car ride is a little unsettling. One little fender bender and big trouble. Anyway, everything went fine and I have been having a good day. Big lunch. Pain manageable. I feel like I am taking in a sufficient amount of calories, but when your body is repairing from so much injury it chews up a lot. Still, I’ve lost 4 pounds since Saturday. I’ll get it back. A few visitors today, that helps my spirits and pass the day.
As I was walking the halls of UH today, I passed through the SICU and Tower 3. Naturally, I thought of you. Your old bed was empty and you were in Twinsburg! That’s progress! I have every confidence that your recovery will continue to be fast and complete. Stay the course! Hello to all of your amazing family.
Bill A