Day 11

Today’s energy level was a little diminished from yesterday. I am amazed how easily I can get tired. My pain is still manageable, although my scar is a little more sensitive as it heals. I slept in my bed for the first time last night.  I’ve been in an electric chair since surgery.  I was able to sleep almost the whole night with just one little break about 4 am.  That is an improvement.  My appetite continues to struggle from pre surgery levels but I think I am doing pretty good. I eat most everything Kathy brings me.  I did some light stretching today and can definitely see animprovement in my range of motion.  No swinging golf clubs for a while, though.  I enjoy hanging out with Kathy during the day.  Her parents left this morning so I think she is hoping for a few meals from friends for the next week or so.  The kids have been very cooperative  and helpful taking care of me.  Hugh and I played backgammon today.  He’s pretty good.   He’s gearing up for some monopoly tonight.

4 thoughts on “Day 11

  1. Progress. Progress. Progress. Remember, this is not a sprint! But maybe not a marathon either. No matter how you look at it, each day is a day closer to full recovery. Keep up the fight.
    Bill A

  2. I’d be happy to organize volunteers for a dinner delivery schedule if it would be helpful. I’m sure we’ll get many volunteers. I’ll deliver something Saturday.

  3. Dear Michael, Good to hear that you slept in your own bed. More comfy, I’m sure! Great to talk yesterday. You sound good. And I’m glad you’re enjoying your time with Kathy and the kids. You have an amazing family. And they are lucky to have you! About your appetite — Remember those crazy milk shakes you used to make in high school loaded with everything including raw eggs? Maybe you should try one now…
    xo, Katie

  4. Hi Dr. Shaugnessy!

    I am posting from Dr. Zielinski’s email because I can’t figure it out haha! I’ve been following your progress and it looks like you are doing great. Just wanted to let you know that I have been thinking of you 🙂

    Take care!

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