There’s a Daniel Powter song most of you have heard called “Bad Day”. One of the lyrics is “you need a blue sky holiday” I do. Sometimes in this recovery, I was told, you are going to have some tough days. Logically, i know they are coming, but it doesnt make them any easier. I had a bad night with a stabbing low back pain (never had any real back pain before) and I thought something bad was happening. Well, a couple of doctor calls and a chest X-ray later, I am fine. My xray supposedly couldnt look any better all good news. My back still really hurts when I deep breathe but it’s being attributed to muscular. Haven’t slept much in last 18 hours and that will catch up with me. I am going to try and move around more this afternoon.
The kids are heading to some friends early tomorrow for a weekend of fun activities. Our friends have filled their schedule with movies, Progressive Field, and lots of other activities. They will have a great time.
Hopefully I can fight through this latest hurdle quickly. All in all I remain positive about the success I have had in my first week home. I am also still ever so grateful that this was caught in time. I have heard too many stories lately of young people like me that did not get the opportunity of foresight and have had disastrous and deadly results. I’ll say my prayers and try for a good nights sleep. Thanks again to all for prayers, cards, food, and all the other “extras” helping Kathy and I with the recovery.
That is really good news and a big relief, I’m sure.
Enjoy the quiet time this weekend knowing that the kids are well cared for.
So sorry to hear you had a tough day. Your attitude is good, though. Keep pushing on. You’re gonna be 100% in no time. We’re all sending you prayers and good wishes. Hope the weekend is better. Lots of love, Katie, Tom, Wyatt and Fiona Mae