Late posting today. It is amazing how yesterday’s energy was non-existent today. Pain was about the same and tolerable. My chest incision is getting very tight feeling. I just had a lot less energy today. I did so much yesterday and was excited to do it again, but the giddy-up just wasn’t there. I still accomplished a lot of stretching and walking. I had a nice day with Kathy. I did need a short nap.
I went next door to my neighbors to pick our Cavs games for the season. We split some tickets for the season with five guys. Looking forward to going down to the Q.
My low grade headache still persists and that makes me a little grumpy. Played a little scrabble with my parents today. Dad won with “zany” on triple word score, 57 points.
Continued thanks to all the wonderful food and treats that keep arriving. I know it makes it a lot easier on Kathy. Love you all.
Michael, Sorry to hear you had a rough day. Chin up. You ARE making progress. Even a low grade headache can bring a person down. And with what you’ve gone through, I can only imagine. It’s probably all part of the healing process. Your giddy-up WILL come back soon. Keep up the scrabble, and stretches, and eating all that good food. And know that you have people in west Texas who love you and are rooting for you. We want you to succeed. We know you will succeed! xoxoxo, Katie
Despite the ups and downs of a spectacular recovery, you are doing very well. Splitting Cav’s tickets and playing Scrabble were not on your radar a few days ago.
I saw Alan yesterday and told him you were now firmly past the “butterfly can knock you down stage”.
As you and your family enter the Christmas weekend, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and continued progress in your recovery. I hope to see you after the holiday.
Bill A