As I finished a 60 minute, near four mile “jog” on the treadmill today, I reflected on the miraculous nature of the human spirit. My body has been through a train wreck and I am still emerging on the other side seemingly unscathed. Although I had no pre surgery symptoms that I could detect, my ability to go an hour on the treadmill and hardly be tired has intrigued me as to whether I was really just working hard for the last few months or years. I suspect my cardiac output, especially under physical stress, is much improved now. I remain guarded as to the continued rapid progression of success I am having.
I just finished reading “Seven Days in Utopia” and it is as much a golf book as it is a book about embracing life. Seeing, feeling, and trusting the blessings that God has graced upon all of us. I recommend it to any golfer or family member of a golfer. It will help you see the insignificance of the “score” and the true significance of contributing to mankind, in your golf game and otherwise.
I appreciate my new days more and more as I continue to solidify the realization that my life was in danger and that I was guided to a successful outcome. It was not just a random sequence of events that brought everything together. My faith in the process remains strong and I look forward to putting this all behind me, although ever-shaping the new me.
so, let me get this straight…the most energetic guy i know is actually finding that he was perhaps operating with less than full capacity before and once fully recovered will have twice or maybe three times the energy? a little daunting for the rest of us, but truly awesome news. 🙂