Back to Life!

This has been a very productive week.  Today is my last day sans work as I am starting back tomorrow. Two weeks ahead of schedule!  Physically, I am feeling really good.  I ran about 20 miles this past week, including over 5 miles on Friday in an hour; a new post surgery best.  Upper body strength training is still limited for the first 3 months, but I can feel the improvements every day.  My fatigue is becoming an afterthought and I am anxious to return to work this week.

My days will fill up faster than I expect, but it will be welcomed.  I will continue my exuberance with rehab while I get back to the hectic schedule of clinic and surgery.  My time at home has been a whirlwind of emotion and physical trials, but I am amazed at what the human body is capable of accomplishing.  I have my life back and I will embrace both my career and family with a new appreciation.

Although working at a less than full speed pace has never been my norm, I will try and take time out a little more frequently for the next few months.  Dr. Markowitz and many others that I have spoken to who have gone through similar surgeries tell me it may take a full year to get back to “normal”.  I can’t imagine waiting that long, but as a first timer, I will listen to my advisors and take heed.  On that note, I plan on taking a golf weekend in early March, which we do every year, and I have been given the green light by my wife and doctors.

As I continued to make strides in my physical and emotional recovery, I sense that I will expect more of myself going forward in life.  The perfect golf shot requires 100% attention at the moment of impact.  In life, I am going to try and hit those perfect shots at all my moments; knowing now that they all could have been taken away from me.  I hope to see all of you soon and I again thank everyone for the prayers and support.  I plan on blogging about once a week now so as not to bore you all too much.  I will continue my narrative journey until I am “normal” again.  As if that were possible!  Peace.

4 thoughts on “Back to Life!

  1. I can’t believe how well you are doing!!…… wait! Who am I talking about??? Yes, I can! Ahead of schedule and all! That is awesome!!! Can’t wait to see you back at the WSC!!!

  2. Mike, just caught up with your journal. Your recovery sounds fantastic. I am sure it has to do with your positive attitude towards life as I have witnessed in the shiort time period we have know each other. Being vertical everyday is a wonderful feeling. I echo it everyday when someone says “how are you?” Enjoy the moment, enjoy your family, enjoy your friends… I was given Seven Days in Utopia last summer and have carried it in my briefcase for months. Now is the time for me to finally read it. I liked your comments about it. Glad you are doing well.

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