Big Follow-up Tomorrow

I’ve been having a good stretch of days lately.  Fatigue gets me a little mid afternoon, but I’m wearing out the treadmills and ellipticals and aiming for that not so distant finish line. I have been getting up pretty early to retrain the internal clock.  I know I am ahead of what I expected at five weeks.  I am hoping to get back to work, probably half days to start, sooner than planned.

Tomorrow is my first follow up with Dr. Markowitz. I am hoping for driving privileges to be reinstated and my Coumadin to be discontinued. I am sure the kids will be disappointed when I go back to work, but I am getting a bit anxious to return.  I just can’t sit around for another month.

My only hurdles that I see at this point are the small amount of fatigue and weakness I get later in the day.  I am starting some yoga with Kathy this week so we’ll see if that helps with both my physical and emotional recovery. I remain positive that some day in the near future I will resemble the Mike I knew back in November, with an obviously healthier heart. Thanks to all the helpful friends that continue to provide meals for my family.   It certainly has made things a lot easier on Kathy and I. Peace.

Optimism Continues

As I finished a 60 minute, near four mile “jog” on the treadmill today, I reflected on the miraculous nature of the human spirit.  My body has been through a train wreck and I am still emerging on the other side seemingly unscathed.  Although I had no pre surgery symptoms that I could detect, my ability to go an hour on the treadmill and hardly be tired has intrigued me as to whether I was really just working hard for the last few months or years.  I suspect my cardiac output, especially under physical stress, is much improved now.  I remain guarded as to the continued rapid progression of success I am having.

I just finished reading “Seven Days in Utopia” and it is as much a golf book as it is a book about embracing life.  Seeing, feeling, and trusting the blessings that God has graced upon all of us.  I recommend it to any golfer or family member of a golfer.  It will help you see the insignificance of the “score” and the true significance of contributing to mankind, in your golf game and otherwise.

I appreciate my new days more and more as I continue to solidify the realization that my life was in danger and that I was guided to a successful outcome.  It was not just a random sequence of events that brought everything together.  My faith in the process remains strong and I look forward to putting this all behind me, although ever-shaping the new me.


Well, I have been remiss last few days in posting,but things are going very well.  I have been going to the gym most every day. My tolerance as of yesterday is up to 50 minutes and 3.5 miles on the treadmill and then stretching and light weights.  I still get waves of fatigue, but when I go I do pretty good.  My appetite is improving and have added a few pounds in the last week.  I have been getting pretty skinny.  I am ready to beef up for the long haul.

The new year continues to be a source of inspiration for me.  I know it is simply another day on the calendar, but it allows me to compartmentalize all the difficulties I have been through and put them behind me both physically and emotionally.  I have been having fun with the kids playing games and reading books.  They started back to school today, resistantly.  I am still very emotional about how lucky it was to discover the aneurysm before trouble arose.  I often think of all the physically stressful activities I did over the last few years without difficulty.  My physical pain continues to lessen and I truly believe I will be back stronger than before.  With a month to go at home, I need to get more active.  I know I have to be the good patient and let the healing continue, but when I hit the six week mark; I’ll be asking for more freedom for sure.

I am looking forward to being back at work and seeing all my co-workers and staff.  I will enjoy getting to see friends when I don’t feel like so much the patient anymore. I still have a few books to get through and my endurance needs a little more work, but with one month down  I should be seeing most of you all soon.  You are my motivators.  I’ll keep blogging.  Peace.

Happy New Year!

Well I made it to 2012.  I wasn’t so sure a month ago.  I am glad to have the worst behind me.  I thank God for all the prayers and love and support that allowed me to get through it all.

I did another 3+ miles and 50 minutes on the treadmill today. Three days in a row now.  Feeling that endurance improve.

We had a ping pong tournament tonight and karaoke  contest. Everybody was a winner.  Tired now.  More later.


Today, I woke up with the same stiffness and achy incision pain that has been fairly constant for the last week and a half. It improves significantly as I move throughout the day, which is why the walks have become so motivating.  I don’t think I move much during the night because it hurts to shift in the bed. So when I get my body moving and stretching, I feel much better.  I went to our workout club this morning and walked over two miles and almost 40 minutes on the treadmill. No fatigue,but I didn’t want to overdo it.  Then I stretched and did some very light weights.  I was really feeling good.  I had a steam after the workout and I was definitely feeling loose.  We then took the kids and nephews and nieces (11 total) bowling for the afternoon.  I just watched, but everyone had a great time.  I was wiped out after all that and a long nap has revitalized me for the evening.

As I approach the end of what has been a difficult close to 2011, I can reflect again on the accomplishments I have made with my recovery in the last week.  I think back to early November when I thought everything in my life was in order and on track.  It was “perfect”.  Then my news arrived and I remember the anger, denial, and eventual acceptance of what would change my life forever.  December 4th and morning of December 5th were by far the most frightening of my life.  I think of those early days of recovery and the intense pain, nightmares, and frustration.  I didn’t think just 3 weeks ago I would be where I am now.  I was very depressed early on that I would be just a feeble copy of my old self.

The end of 2011 will be an end to those fears.  I am motivated to be a stronger and even more active copy of my old self.  I still have a small fear of having to repeat the valve in 20 years, but technology moves so fast and it’s so out of my control, that it is a tiny spot in the back of my mind.  I am only three and half weeks post surgery and I know problems can still arise.  I have heard the gammet of stories from quick recovery to loads of problems, reoperations, and even death.  If anyone reading this is or knows someone going through this, my advice is to surround yourself with loved ones.  I definitely would be struggling if not for the motivation and constant support of those around me and praying for me, especially my wife, Kathy.  She has been the rock of love and support, the general of my recovery army, and my shoulder when the hour or day is just too much.  There will be minutes, hours, or even days when the mountain seems too high to climb, but if you have someone to pull or push you, those feelings will pass.  I am by no means recovered.  I have months and months to go, but my glimpse of the future is bright and I am confident in 2012.

White Tuesday

We finally got our snow. Hugh was convinced that there would be no snow this winter.  The frosting of the trees is beautiful. I didnt walk outside today. I was a little worried about my footing on any ice.

I had five guys from the neighborhood over for some poker.  It was a lot of fun to do some “normal” stuff.  They certainly didn’t cut me any slack as I was the big contributor to the winners.  Had a great time anyway.  New set of relatives arrive tomorrow for five or six days. Should be some crazy fun around here for New Years.  Feeling pretty good moving forward to 2012!

New Monday

Had a good nights sleep and still waking headache free.  Had a nice breakfast with the kids and then rebuilt an apple mouse.  Need to get the wireless version, the rollerball is a terrible design.  It’s  pretty easy to take apart and rebuild good as new when you have microsurgery loupes and tiny forceps.  I took a nice long walk/jog today and got a good sweat going. It was a beautiful sunny day.  I am really feeling good endurance-wise since last week.

After dinner I watched Kathy and the kids play wii dance 3. Hugh and Kathy dominated the winners circle.  Overall, a good recovery day.  My incision pain is still my limiting factor.  My mobility is getting better and Hugh and I took all the Christmas garbage out to the street tonight.  Onward and upward.

Merry Christmas!

As our Christmas day comes to a close, I certainly reflect on the wonderful opportunity I have been given.  Despite my current physical recovery struggles, I know that I am in a much better place for the rest of my life.  My frustrations with the sluggish improvements I make are balanced by the realization that I have been given a second chance in life.

Today was a treat for the kids.  They certainly enjoyed Santa’s visit and are thankful for our family being together this year.  We did a lounge day and watched a few magic and dance shows put on by the kids.  Kathy and Grandma prepared a delicious roast and I definitely took in some good calories today.

Tonight i will sleep well; content in knowing that my ever changed life will be more fulfilling because my aneurysm was discovered in time.  I will be always grateful to my friends and family for the love, support, and prayers that have guided me thus far.  As I am sure you are all doing, hug your families tonight and be thankful for all the blessings we all enjoy every day.  Peace.

Christmas Eve

I awoke for the second straight day without a headache.  I was so used to it, its the first thing I realize in the morning.  I was up early again (5am) but I managed to get several chapters of my current book read.  Nice breakfast with Kathy and then I doubled my walk distance from yesterday. After lunch I suffered through another Browns loss.  We have a wonderful dinner planned and I am just thankful for my Christmas this year.

Good Day

Today I awoke without a headache for the first time since surgery.  Obviously, that started my day off right.  Since I was told I could walk, Hugh and I walked the whole neighborhood this morning.  Felt great!  Took my shower and then off to the lab for blood work.  Eating a good lunch now (Kathy made clam linguine last night). We are planning on seeing a movie this afternoon, “girl with the dragon tattoo”. Kids are at the grandparents so we have time to ourselves.  Still moving slower than normal and get tired veryeasily, but very optimistic today without a few of my meds.  Very grateful for my Christmas this year. Enjoying today.