Facing the future

Official membership for zipper club, "ouch"
Evening has been much better. Just finished a few laps and had a good dinner. Waiting for the Browns to beat the Steelers tonight. This is what they call the ups and downs. Check out my cool scar for the beach. This is the official membership card to the “zipper club”, also called a medial sternotomy incision. Membership has its privileges!

9 thoughts on “Facing the future

  1. Please don’t be offended when i tell you i want nothing to do with that club. Although, I hope you enjoy a very very long membership! Go Browns!

  2. You look like you feel better than colt McCoy does right now. When you texted I was still behind watching and thought you meant the browns won. I should have known better. Sorry to add to your pain but go stillers.

  3. I’m hoping that the pain from the surgery is significantly more fleeting than the lifetime of pain associated with being a Browns fan. You’re welcome to switch to the winning side at any time. Feel better!!!!

    • MLK, Jr said something to the effect of “the true measure of a man is not how he behaves in times of comfort and convenience, but how he stands in times of conflict and compromise”. You steelers fans have had it too easy for too long. The fact we still support our team is extraordinary. Thanks for the support. Are you still in SanFran or did I hear east coast? Hope all is well. Continue to follow the blog. And be nice to browns fans, we are nice to every other team.

  4. WOW! You look great considering all you have been through – been thinking about you this week and so glad you are starting to feel better 🙂 We will stop out and see you once the dust settles…we continue to send good energy your way!

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